Sunday, May 6, 2012

Inspiration ???

I am honest - maybe to a fault.  Basically, I have to get through this class.  But, I don't like to write.  I would almost say that I hate to write.  Writing for me is drudgery, tedious and annoying and I have to force myself to do it.  Yes, I suppose that says something about my communication skills.  I'm the kind of person who likes to get straight to the point in order to get my message across.  So, writing about something kind of seems like beating around the bush or taking the long way to the information, especially when a certain amount of words are required.

So, I don't get inspiration to write from anywhere other than what is necessary to write about for the given class or assignment.  I don't plan on writing for publication nor for my future business.  I still don't have a clear path or goal as to what my business will be.  When I finish this whole course, I may choose not be a Mind/Body Wellness practitioner.  The program and being a wellness coach or nutrition coach all seemed so ideally wonderful looking in from the outside.  But now I don't think I'm suited to it.  So, I will do my best with what I have from here on out.

The inspiration I get in my daily life to stay positive and keep moving forward has been from many sources.  Doreen Virtue, Abraham-Hicks, to name a couple.  I also take supplements and eat a natural, balanced diet to keep my moods and emotions level.  But I don't care to write about it.  I have not felt the need to write about myself.  Maybe if I'm ever at a point in my life that I actually feel like a success, I'll think about writing.

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